See You
Enngonia Races
The Enngonia Races are held every year.
2018 race date is Saturday 15th September.
* Enngonia race course - East Road, Enngonia.
* BBQ and Bar, Soft Drink Stall, Metropolitan Betting Fluctuation Service, Sky Channel, On-course Bookmakers and activities for the children to keep them occupied!
* After Races Entertainment -
Party on after the last race with
"Two Black Cadillacs"
* Jumping Castle to keep the kids entertained
* Fashions on the Field - "Wacky Wear" has been quite popular the last couple of years, so if you dont feel like frocking up you can always
pull out your best costume!
* Dont forget the social gathering and auction with a Calcutta on Race 6 -
Dunk Insurance Enngonia Cup
held at the Oasis Hotel Friday 14th September 2018 from 6.00pm!