6 Race Program - $45,000 Prizemoney
Names and order subject to change
Race 1: Green Collar/Mumbelbone Merino Stud/Ferarri Gardner P/L Maiden Plate 1100m
"Lorraine Nagle Sash"
Prizemoney: 1st $4000; 2nd $1300; 3rd $575; 4th $225; 5th $225; 6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250
Race 2: Landmark Walsh Hughes Benchmark 50 HCP 1000m
Prizemoney: 1st $4000; 2nd $1300; 3rd $575; 4th $225; 5th $225; 6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250
Race 3: Bourke Steel & Hire/Parkdale Merino Stud/Macdonald & Co Woolbroking Benchmark 45 HCP 1200m
Prizemoney: 1st $400; 2nd $1300; 3rd $575; 4th $225; 5th $225; 6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250
Race 4: Cato Goat Depot P/L Class 2 HCP 1400m
Other Sponsors: Hatchman Petroleum & Col's Rural Services
Prizemoney: 1st $4000; 2nd $1300; 3rd $575; 4th $225; 5th $225; 6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250 **BOBS extra bonus available $1250
Race 5: Bourke Bowling Club & Outback Fuel Class 1 & Maiden HCP 1600m
Prizemoney: 1st $4000; 2nd $1300; 3rd $575; 4th $225; 5th $225; 6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250
Race 6: Dunk Insurance Enngonia Cup Benchmark 66 1400m
Prizemoney: 1st $5820 and $100 Owner's Trophy; 2nd $1865; 3rd $955; 4th $460; 5th $225;
6th $225; 7th $225; 8th $225
*BOBS bonus available up to $2250
$50 rebate to unplaced starters
Nominations close 11.00am Monday 10th September 2018
Weights on or before 4.00pm Tuesday 11th September 2018
Acceptance must be declared before 9.00am Thursday 13th September 2018
Riders must be declared before noon Thursday 13th September 2018